All Natural Wellness & Beauty

Calm and relaxed beautiful woman  outdoor with flowers in hands.

Hello from Presentations/Kathleen Foland:  I offer organically-sourced cosmetic services such as hair style, hair removal and skincare.

The therapies I offer, botanicals I use and the style I create for you are about renewing your inner presence and outer presentation. These are the all-natural, complete remedies of Presentations Wellness & Beauty.

Be sure to also visit Midwest Mermaid Muse — my website where I feature all natural, topical and culinary products.  Midwest Mermaid Muse is much more than our Store, it is about sharing a lifestyle that takes a dual approach to wellness and beauty. Make sure to visit my blog (Musings), where I share a variety of topics about looking good and feeling good.

Everything I offer will remain organically-sourced and good for your skin and hair.

To arrange an appointment, call or text me at 816-363-7711 or send me an email to

Thank you for visiting! I hope to see you soon.


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