Skin Therapy

PresentationsKC botanicals

Many people talk about natural products these days. Some even refer to the “naturopathic” movement in the field of health care. Also, sales of certified natural or organic beauty products are soaring. There are good reasons.

Everything man-made ultimately comes from nature. But what is important is the way in which products remain close to the form in which they are found in nature. I believe that the most healthful way to care for you is with the most natural products. Since I do not use preservatives, many of my products have to be refrigerated to retain their quality. You will find no chemical derivatives in any of my beauty products. Many man-made products are cheap or they aid in the lower cost of production. However, they aren’t necessarily good for us.

Please peruse my selection of wholesome beauty products. You’ll see for yourself that the ingredients came directly from nature–frequently, they came right out of my own garden. I urge you to visit my salon or contact me to try my products and see how good natural beauty is.

All of my products are freshly made and organically-sourced. They are never tested on animals.

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